Wednesday 9 March 2011

Pasar Malam (night market) at Terengganu

          The sun gradually dropped below the horizon and the darkness crawled instead of evening’s soft light. The light fittings which lined up along both sides of the road leading us to Pasa Malam (night market) lightened in unison while our luxury bus was parking. On the left side of us, there was a little beautiful neat garden was decorated with the flowering trees and ornamental plants. Some was in charming colorful bloom and attracted us to take photos for awhile. On the right side, there were a lot of people all ages were flowing freely like water into this market in order to purchase the delicious food, utensil, clothes and accessory after finishing a hard long working day. The roaring sound of the crowded drifted along the wind and touched our ears while we were taking photos. More than that, the gray light smoke and rich smell in various kinds of food that was cooked by professional chef floated through air and motivated us to reach there as fast as we can.

 At the same time, we did not forget to keep the beautiful image of buildings and environment in time of twilight by our favorite camera while we were walking into the market. We fascinated and enjoyed and our nice teacher walked quite far ahead of us. Therefore, we all had to quicken up our steps to keep up with her because we were afraid to get lost. The first thing which touched our eyes when we arrived the market entrance was the dozens of shops and food stands arranged in a long row in a huge courtyard and it was nice pictures. Colorful and various Malaysian foods that were a bit different from our native food were sold here. Suddenly, our stomach and salivary glands began to work while we were walking passed those food stands. Even though our poor stomach was pleading us again and again, we could not respond because of the difference in language. We had to ask our lovely teacher for help to be the interpreter. We continued walking and noticed one food stand was offering tasty Malaysian fish crisp or called “Kre Pok”, small round shape and a bit long like our middle finger. We hastened towards that food stand with full desire to taste it. Oh, how could we explain its taste?  Its outside was crispy and soft inside, really yummy! Finally, we did not purchase any food there except that delicious fish crisp.

Having a good opinion of people

By Dr. Ali Al-Hammadi

        From leading principles to which the Muslim needs to pay attention before he raises any doubt and before he accepts and believes in any accusation is to give priority to having a good opinion over having a bad opinion of his Muslim brothers. He should look for excuses and justifications that will excuse them and clear them of blame, especially when the accusation is directed towards callers to Allah and the righteous.

        This is the practice of the righteous, people of understanding and wise men from among Muslims who fear their Lord and desire victory and predominance for Allah’s Deen.

        Had it been the other way around – had having a bad opinion of people been given a priority over having a good opinion, then no scholar would have been left without being maligned, no nobleman without faults found in him, and Muslims would be deprived from good examples. That is a methodology that is accepted neither by the Islamic Law nor by any logic.

        “The basic principle in this rule is the saying of Allah `azza wa jall: “O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.” [Al-Hujurat 49:12] 
Allah `azza wa jall ordered avoiding much of the suspicion because some of it is sin, and He followed this order with the prohibition of spying, pointing out that spying in most cases does not occur except due to bad assumptions.

        The way of the Muslim – the general rule – is hiding others’ faults and having a good opinion of others. This is why Allah `azza wa jall ordered believers to have a good opinion of people when they hear slanders of their Muslim brothers.

        And in the story of ifk (the lie which hypocrites invented against A`isha, the Mother of the Believers, from which Allah declared her free and innocent in the Quran), when it was said what was said, Allah `azza wa jall clarified the true position which every Muslim must understand. He said subhanahu wa ta`ala:
“Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of themselves [i.e. one another] and say, ‘This is an obvious falsehood’?” [An-Noor 24:12]” [Hisham Ismail As-Sini, Manhaj Ahl As-Sunnah wal Jama`ah fin Naqd wal Hukm `ala al Akhirin, Al Muntada, London, 1992, p. 21]

Dr. Mustafa as-Siba’i said, “Because having a good opinion and then regretting is better than having a bad opinion and then regretting.”
[as-Sibai, Hakadha `allamatni al Hayat, al Maktab al Islami, Beirut, 1984, vol. 1, p. 42]

From “Fi Qafas al-Ittiham”1420 Dar IbnHazmSource:

Saturday 5 March 2011


Islamic Nursary Rhyme

Allaah is the One

Allaah is the One, is the One, is the One (x2)
If you ask me who is my Lord,
I’ll tell you without any thought
The one whose my Lord is Allaah
Allaah is the One, is the One, is the One (x2)
If you ask me who is my Creator,
I’ll tell you with million pleasures
My beloved Creator is Allaah
Allaah is the One, is the One, is the One (x2)
If you ask me who is my Guide,
I’ll tell you from my mind
Who guides me when I’m blind is Allaah
Allaah is the One, is the One, is the One (x2)

General Nursary Rhyme

My little child

Let close your eyes my little child
It is time to sleep, don’t be cries
Let close your eyes my little child
Dreaming the twinkle stars on the sky
I won’t go anywhere, please don't cries
Let cloes your eyes my little child
General Nursery Rhyme change into Islamic Nursery Rhyme

An apple a day keeps the Doctor away

An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Apple in the morning - Doctor's warning
Roast apple at night - starves the doctor outright
Eat an apple going to bed - knock the doctor on the head
Three each day, seven days a week - ruddy apple, ruddy cheek

Praying every day keeps Satan go away

Praying everyday keeps Satan go away
Praying in the morning – makes you awakening
And praying at noon – closes up Allaah merciful
Prays everyday before to bed - knock Satan on the big head
five a day, seven days a week – Angels with you, don’t let you weak

By >> I Love Quran =)

♥ Allah says ♥
•Try to walk on My way, I'll make all the ways easy for YOU.
•Try to spend your wealth on My way, I'll open oceans of treasure for YOU.
•Try to leave your ills for Me, I'll make your desired destiny for YOU.
•Try to bear pain on My way, I'll open the doors of My care for YOU.
.•Try to believe in Me, I'll make sincere friends for YOU.
•Try to be Mine, I'll make everyone yours.
♥ Thank You Allah ♥
• Oh ALLAH, I have no money, but I have You. I am rich.
• Oh ALLAH, my heart breaks, but I imagine meeting You. My heart finds rest.
• Oh ALLAH, nobody listens, but You never turn your back on me. I am grateful.
• Oh ALLAH, I cry every night, but I make Wudu. I wash away my tears.
.• Oh ALLAH, I have no patience, but I read Your Quran. I am calm.
• Oh ALLAH, I get no respect, but You listen to my Prayers. I am proud.
• Oh ALLAH, I feel so weak, but I fast Ramadan. I am strong.
• Oh ALLAH, I feel so depressed, but I remember you. I am at peace.
• There is no word as beautiful as Allah.
• No example as beautiful as Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
• No lesson as beautiful as Islam
• No song as melodious as Azan.
...• No charity as meaningful as Zakat.
• No encyclopaedia as perfect as Al-Quran.
• No prayer as perfect as Namaz (Salah).
• No diet as perfect as fasting.
• No journey as perfect as Hajj...


          There is an old Indian man who is waiting for the passengers to get on his car. We may call this car as “taxi”. It is rather convenience taxi with four doors and large seats. But there are a few defects, it is quite old-fashioned car and does not has air-conditioner. This old man stands near by a front part of his taxi. While he is waiting for the passengers, he read a local newspaper which is on his rough and hard hands that makes he looks quite intellectual. He is a hard working and diligent person because he always waits for the passengers during a humid hot day. More than that, he also stays amid the burning sun for a long time without head covering. So, this makes him has a dark black and rough skin. But it does not matter because he loves and he is happy with this career so much.  
          He has receding hair and it is gone gray. He also has a round face with whitish beard and moustache. If you notice, he carries the newspaper rather far away from his eyes sighted. It means he is long eyes-sighted and wears a big oval glasses to help him read every words in the newspaper clearly. He has white thick eyebrows, almond eyes and long big ears. Moreover, he has a beautiful sharp nose and thin lips. 
          He is of about medium height and average build. He is in his late sixties but he is still strong and agile. He wears a white shirt and pants. He also folds over his sleeves up to his elbow to ease his driving. From his well-dressed style, it helps him more pleasant and trust-worthy. Certainly, there are a lot of Indian passengers or even the foreigners would like to use his service.

Thursday 3 March 2011


          Amidst the sprinkle rainy day, my friends and I hurried up to get out of the hotel and ran quickly got on the luxury air-conditioned bus because we were afraid to be late. It was the second day I stayed in Terengganu. That day we were going to a famous tourist attraction which was named Taman Tamadun Islaam (TTI). It is the first Islamic edutainment theme park in the world. As soon as everybody was in the bus, the driver gradually moved the bus towards there. He drove slowly so that I could touch the atmosphere along both sides the rode while the lovely guide was explaining the interesting places of Terengganu. I observed everything here was not different from my town much except Malaysian houses and buildings that were quite more colourful than Thai houses. 

          Erelong, the bus arrived at the destination, TTI. At that time, I was very excited to see 21 replicas of famous mosques and Islamic monuments in the world. The guide led me to the entrance of Taman monument during the continued sprinkle rain. Inside here was very beautiful place that decorated with the flowering trees and ornamental plants. More than that, charming colourful 21 mosques attracted me to take the photos. Here also, there was an electric small train served the tourists who was lazy to walk because the area was very large. My friends and I walked around this area and searched which mosque and monument were the most beautiful one. 

          In my thought, Taj Mahal was the most exquisite and marvelous building which had the mausoleum inside. It was the monument of eternal love that constructed with Persian and Indian architectural style. All structure of Taj Mahal was made from white marble. There was a main white marble dome at the top which flanked by four small domes and stood on the large white marble terrace. While I was gazing this fantastic replica monument through the million of small raindrops, I thought how much it was beautiful in real. Definitely it was beautiful and gorgeous!. Moreover, I forgot that I was standing amid the spitting rain because of its exquisite. After I absorbed the gorgeous Taj Mahal for awhile, I picked up my favourite camera again so that I could freeze this charming image in my memory.


          The wheel gradually crawled from my house in the early morning towards Ayutthaya Province, the destination of this trip. The distance from Bangkok to Ayutthaya was not too far. It took time around half an hour to get there. On the way, my comfortable car passed through the town where was full of many kinds of vehicle. I looked at a crowed road through my small car’s window. The picture at that time was really turmoil; people beside the road were absorbed in their activities, some of them were waiting for the bus and some were crossing the road. Also, there were many food stands and stalls placed along both sides of the road with a lot of customers. My car slowly drove away from the town centre around ten minutes to highway. The confused picture I had seen before was melt little by little into a beautiful peace scenery. Along both sides of highway, there was the rush rice field like a green carpet that contrast with the blue horizon laid down endlessly during beaming sun. At that moment, I opened the car’s window so that I could inhale a fresh air and felt a gentle breeze was touching my face. 
I arrived at Ayutthaya city about 9am. Then, I went directly to Chaiwatthanaram temple, the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery was located on the bank of the Chao Phraya River with Khmer style which was popular at that time. The first scene I saw after I got off the car, there was a main intact stupa which surrounded by many pagodas stood on a rectangular platform during a huge green lawn. It was really very fascinated and attracted me to take a lot of photos. All were made from laterite and turned into black because it was burned by Burmese soldiers since Ayutthaya fought with Burma. Nevertheless, it was still in good shape except Buddha statues that were beheaded. I noticed the main stupa, there was a steep stairs which lead to the top. I hurriedly stepped my feet to the base of stupa and started to climb up to its top. At that moment, a nice view of this area became visible to my eyes. Oh! It was very photogenic. This impressive trip remained in my mind until now