Sunday 23 January 2011


During the stifling hot day, I went to a waterfall nearby my house. This waterfall was a small size and not much high. When I arrived there, I could hear the rhythmic pounding of the stream passed through a big gray slate granite stone into the large pool below the waterfall. The more I got closer, the more I could feel the change of temperature because the spray of waterfall splashed everywhere. More than that, the sun was shining down through the branches of the trees into the water that made it looked like a thousand of diamonds placed upon the surface of the emerald water. In addition, there were a lot of butterflies came to enjoy this cool fresh water and perched on the stones which were covered by fern and moss. At the same time, the smell of withered leaves and soil floated on the air around this area and made this atmosphere fresher. This charming scene was more beautiful than I could say.

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